$525.00 USD

5 monthly payments

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Want to add 1:1 support during our 3 months together?
Here's what you get...

- [3] 75m 1:1 sessions where we look directly into your birth chart to help you collapse the patterns that you're facing so you can empower those new shifts faster and more directly. During these calls, we focus on clearing energetic blocks, regulating your nervous system and bringing ease through your mind and body.

Following each call, you also get 1 week of private voxer support [3 weeks total] so that we can further integrate the work we do on the calls.

Magnetic Impact

The 12 week group experience for successful ambitious entrepreneurs to help you break free from your past, activating your alignment + taking back your power.

In this 12 week experience, I'm going to walk you through how to regulate your nervous system, how to step into radical responsibility for creating a new reality and activating momentum towards what you want so that you can have more money in the bank, more vitality in your body, more love in your life + more intentionality and integrity in alignment.

This is Magnetic Impact