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Sacred Self Numerology Blueprint

Your Sacred Self Numerology Blueprint is your journey back home to remembering who you are!

This blueprint is for you if you want to understand yourself more deeply and get a broad view of who you are. This reading can help answer your curiosity of:

  •  Why am I here?
  •  What is my purpose?
  •  Why do I keep experiencing the same things over and over?
  •  & MORE.

This is an energy reading of your body, emotions, and mind meets an awareness of yourself and the world to inspire, empower, and align you to express the highest version yourself AND live your best life now.

We uncover your greatest strengths and growth patterns, personality influences, seasons of life, why you were born at this time, and a blueprint for navigating challenges and obstacles through the ebb and flow on your journey in this lifetime.

  •  A deeper understanding of the possibilities available to you based on your numerological influences.
  •  A place to begin so you can focus on what you were born to do.
  •  An expanded perspective of yourself so you can recognize when you are sabotaging your efforts  or leveraging your strengths
  •  An understanding of yearly influences so you can align your yearly goals and see potential changes ahead.
  •  A better understanding of what karma is and be able to recognize it in your life more quickly.
  •  Freedom as you create your life and clarity in making choices.
  •  Know when to take action and when to pause to avoid burnout and exhaustion as you move through your seasonal changes.

This blueprint is an absolute great first step for those who are awakening, those welcoming an experience of knowing themselves more deeply and remembering who they are.

Channeled guidance during our session will help you break through where you've been feeling stuck in any area of your life.

Within this experience you will receive a 30 minute recorded connection call with replay access and a 9-10 page written blueprint.


The numerology session with Michele was absolutely powerful. I had no expectations for it and was more in just a state of wonder prior to the session. With the information that Michele had and the right questions she shed light on an unconscious pattern that was still showing up for me and sabotaging my progress without me even noticing. I experienced a major breakthrough and hidden emotions showed up for me. All of this helped me to take action into healing old wounds and patterns. I wouldn’t be able to this if those patterns were still unconscious. Michele is amazing at guiding the session, pin pointing the blocks and showing you how to shift with compassion for oneself.

So this is the latest coaching breakthrough I’ve had, and it’s a big one! I’m talking about a complete game changer... I used to blame my flaws, fears and insecurities on my past, thinking they’d broken me, like I was no longer equipped to reach my potential in this world. Then I had a Sacred Self session with Michele Laine, providing me with a unique blueprint that perfectly matched my personality, strengths as well as weakness and deepest intentions. It was so validating and a confirmation that I am designed exactly the way I was meant to be to fulfill my purpose. She’s given me a fresh perspective on what I perceived as flaws, new tools to navigate life challenges, an empowering reframe on my “story” and great insight into how to create the life I truly want. I’m completely blown away and feel like, with this blueprint, I’m starting a new chapter of life. I have a map. I’m sharing this, because I’m so grateful!! I think EVERYONE should have a session with her and receive your own blueprint. It’s so worth it! Thank you Michele Laine!!! 🙏🥰🔥👏❤️