Are you an ambitious coach, healer, or leader ready to make so much money in your business that you feel lit up and impactful every day?




You know you are destined for a next-level but can't
exactly figure out what's stopping you...


I created this program with you in mind.


You know that it's finally time to invest in yourself to have the income and impact you've always desired? 


You're here for the right reason...


 Prosperity Portal is for You!


In this program you are not going to just learn strategy, but also energetics to quantum leap your business, finances, and energetic blueprint around money.


What makes this program so powerful is that we cover anything holding you back: Energy, Mindset, and Strategy.


So many people go into programs and they may only receive one of these things.  I am jam-packing this program with so many tools and experiences to truly take your business and finances to the next level.


I'm in!


Imagine deciding today that you can have it all - a steamy love affair with your body, bank account, and business unconditionally as you soar to new levels of success. 




  • Harnessing your unique energy codes and becoming a magnet for success, showing up with purpose every day. 


  • Feeling unstoppable from morning to night with a foundation of BOLD belief and trust in yourself.


  • Feeling effortless because you've tapped into a new level of confidence and prosperity. 


  • Embracing 
    transformative beliefs to expand abundance and frequencies of joy, prosperity, fulfillment, and wealth daily.


  • Creating more money, expanding your capacity to receive MORE, and finally cracking YOUR money codes.


  • NEVER settling! Knowing yourself so deeply, trusting and believing in your vision with unwavering peace and mastering your codes for everything else money cannot buy!



This isn't just another money program. This is a journey of expansion & receiving that will shift everything for you.




Prosperity Portal guides you through transformative processes designed to clear your field, release negative patterns, & 

awaken dormant energies.


Through immersive experiences, you'll tap into the power of your subconscious mind, harnessing its innate ability to manifest prosperity and abundance in all areas of your life.  While also cultivating the mindset, clarity, and focus for sustainable change.




Because true abundance begins within you, throughout this program, you'll be invited to explore the sensations, emotions,

and energy stored within your body to catalyze profound change. 


As you journey deeper into your body's wisdom, you'll experience profound physical, emotional, and energetic shifts

on all levels. Tensions will dissolve, energy will flow freely, and you'll emerge with a newfound vitality, clarity, and purpose.




Each of us is encoded with a unique numerical blueprint, revealing our strengths, challenges, and deepest desires.

Understanding and aligning with this sacred code can unlock the keys to a life of abundant business and fulfillment. 


As you align with the energetic currents and codes of the universe, you'll become a magnet for prosperity, effortlessly

and confidently drawing opportunities, resources, and blessings into your life.

I'm ALL in!

Week 1

BELIEF CODES. Building the legacy and becoming the impact in your leadership, your business, your health and your family life. Helping you move into internal trust within that you can create the change you seek and remove those blindspots and roadblocks so that you can become the focus and  frequency of your truest expression.

Week 2

WEALTH CODES. Cultivating a thriving relationship with wealth - including money, mindset, and confidence. Identifying your patterns that are holding your abundance hostage and you accountable to hat you say you want to experience. The mindset that will propel you forward in allowing more wealth and harmony to flow through you in all aspects of life. 

Week 3

ENERGY CODES.  Energy is either empowering or disempowering. Drawing you closer too or further away from what you want most. We will be identifying your personal codes that accelerates momentum and mastery in your business. Strategy is effective, AND the embodiment of your energetics is how you show up for what's possible. That is where success flows. Presence, intention, and expanding your self-authority.

Week 4

INTEGRATION. Bringing it all together to cultivate a state of being and apply what you have learned. We will focus on aligning your focus and actions with your newfound insights and strategies to create lasting change and become a magnet for what you desire. This is where transformation solidifies, ensuring you can consistently operate from a place of authenticity, integrity, and empowered energy.

My wish for you is to let go of the patterns of energy & thought holding you back. In this program, you'll discover a new version of yourself, unlock your next level of prosperity, & prioritize your joy and well-being to amplify the peace you dream of.


Let's journey together!

Prosperity Portal $999.00 USD

>>>> Program begins 8/15/24


An unforgettable 4-week journey:

[4] Live Zoom calls (Replays available)

[1] Private Facebook group 

[4] Weeks Voxer Support


Prosperity Portal $500.00 USD/m

>>>> Program begins 8/15/24

An unforgettable 4-week journey:

[4] Live Zoom calls (Replays available)

[1] Private Facebook group 

[4] Weeks Voxer Support


Prosperity Portal VIP $1888.00 USD 

>>>> Program begins 8/15/24

The Unforgettable 4-week journey, PLUS:

[2] BONUS Private 1:1 (45 Minute) Sessions with Michele

[4] BONUS Private Weekly Numerology Birth Chart Readings Supported with Remote Energy Work via Voxer


Hi, I'm Michele

I am a transformational coach, energy alchemist + master numerologist.

Through losing it all back in 2013, I realized the impact money beliefs have on our ability to make our dreams a reality. As I began doing the inner work through my coaching journey, it amazed me how much of those beliefs were energetic holds onto my relationship with debt.

As I worked on my money beliefs, I realized the connection to all other areas in my life. I witnessed firsthand the shifts that could be made and the abundance that could flow through when I became an energetic match for what I wanted in my life and business.

I spent way to long in my head with the thoughts and beliefs about money that hindered my financial growth. In this portal, I'm going to share with you the strategies and energetics to quantum leap your results so you won't have to struggle for years like I did!!

This 4 week course is going to help you set your mind and body free so you can reach your next level of prosperity too.



Shelley V.

This Portal has been unique! This has allowed me to shift my perspective and begin a new, calm, and loving transitional phase. This portal has shown me what I was missing and allowed me to open up new pathways as I discover what has been blocking me. I am so grateful for the powerful movement I have learned to notice and process, and it's incredible to be able to release energy from my body. I can not wait to be able to work with Michele more because she has been such a beautiful, calm, supportive mentor, and I am genuinely grateful for the space that she has created, given, and shared with me to be precisely what I need to be in the moment without judgment. Forever Grateful!


Fiona A.

Michele has a Strong, grounded energy and I could feel this hold me as I actioned step by step, bit by bit.
I am still working on many aspects that came up for me and I know that Michele's energy made all the difference in the world.
She calmly reminded me of the tools I already have, and held the group in love and light, allowing for each individual to come through with their personalities.
I loved this container and would highly recommend working with Michele.
Thank You for helping me over this time and showing me what "It's possible' really means.

Kari K.

The Prosperity Portal was a transformative experience. Michele and the supportive group helped me see the myriad ways money was flowing towards me once I opened myself up to new possibilities. No joke, during the last week of the experience, I found myself in a new car!

Learning about my numerology blueprint I discovered that one of my blessings is that people will want to take care of me. Normally, I feel guilty when someone offers financial help, but this time, I accepted it as a blessing and simply said thank you. This acceptance allowed me to replace my car and still repay the kindness when my old vehicle is sold. I couldn't be more grateful. ❤️